Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of LAWS(Pass): Course Outline

Duration: Three years (Twelve semesters).

Total Credits:132

First Semester
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LAW 3101 Jurisprudence 3
LAW 3102 Law of Contract 3
LAW 3103 Laws of Torts 3
Total 9
Second Semester
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LAW 3201 Legal System of Bangladesh 3
LAW 3201 Constitutional Law 3
LAW 3201 Muslim Law 3
Total 9
Third Semester
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LAW 3301 Equity, Trust & Hindu Law 3
LAW 3302 Law of Registration and Land Law of Bangladesh 4
LAW 3303 Labour and Industrial Law 3
Total 10
Fourth Semester
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LAW 3401 Law on Civil Procedure-I 3
LAW 3401 Law of Crimes 3
LAW 3401 The Law on Criminal Procedure 3
LAW 3401 Law of Evidence 3
Total 12
Fifth Semester
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LAW 3501 Law of Limitation & public Demand Recovery 2
LAW 3502 Law on Civil Procedure-II 3
LAW 3503 Law of Transfer of Property 2
LAW 3504 Company Law 3
LAW 3505 Mercantile Law 3
Total 13
Sixth Semester
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LAW 3601 Law of Specific Relief 2
LAW 3602 Interpretation of Statutes 2
LAW 3603 Law of Taxation 2
LAW 3604 Medical Jurisprudence 2
LAW 3605 International Law 3
LAW 3606 Mock Trial and Advocacy 2
Total 13
 Core Courses: 66 credits 
Course Code Title of the courses Credit Hours
LL B P 101 Jurisprudence 3
LL B P 102 Law of Contract 3
LL B P 103 Legal System of Bangladesh 3
LL B P 104 Constitutional Law of Bangladesh 3
LL B P 105 Muslim Law 3
LL B P 106 Law of Torts 3
LL B P 107 Hindu Law, Equity & Trust 3
LL B P 108 Labour & Industrial Law 3
LL B P 109 Law on Civil  Procedure-I 3
LL B P 110 Law of Limitation & Public Demand Recovery 2
LL B P 111 Law on Civil  Procedure-II 3
LL B P 112 Law of Crimes 3
LL B P 113 Law on Criminal Procedure 3
LL B P 114 Law of Evidence 3
LL B P 115 Law of Registration & Land Law of Bangladesh 4
LL B P 116 Law of Transfer of Property 2
LL B P 117 Company Law 3
LL B P 118 Mercantile Law 3
LL B P 119 Law of Specific Relief 2
LL B P 120 Interpretation of Statutes 2
LL B P 121 Law of Taxation 2
LL B P 122 Medical Jurisprudence 2
LL B P 123 International Law 3
LL B P 124 Mock Trial and Advocacy 2
Total 66