Masters of Islamic Studies: Course Outline

Course Code Title of the courses
IS  4271 The Sciences of the Qur’an(Ulum Al Qur’an)
IS  4272 The Sciences of the Hadith(Ulum Al Hadith)
IS  4273 Islamic Morality
IS  4274 Principles of Economics in the Qura’n  and Sunnah
Course Code Title of the courses
IS  4281 Fiqh of Ibadat
IS  4282 Principles of Political Science in the Qura’n and Sunnah
IS  4283 Islam and Contemporary Ideologies and Movements
IS  4284 Muslim Philosophy
Course Code Title of the courses
IS  4291 Islamic Banking
IS  4293 Islamic Insurance
* IS  4261 Islam & its Aqidah
* IS  4262 Introduction to al-Qur’an & al-Sunnah
* IS 4263 Islamic History
Course Code Title of the courses
IS  5211 Early development of Muslim thought
IS  5212 Islamization of Knowledge
IS  5213 Authority of Sunnah & its application
IS  5214 Comparative Studies in Contemporary Tafsir
5th Semester
Course Code Title of the courses
IS  5221 Later development of Muslim thought
IS  5222 Shariah & codification of Islamic law
IS  5231 Tawhid & its implication for human life
IS  532 The Intellectual war & its ways
6th Semester
Course Code Title of the courses
IS  5224 Comparative Fiqh & textual analysis
IS  5234 The Objectives of the Shariah
IS  5241 Women & Human rights in Islam
IS 5242 Islam and Tasawwuf

Those who did not have Islamic Studies as a subject of combination at their Bachelor’s level will have to take the above three courses (9 Credit Hours).